Tuesday, September 4, 2007

They Really Like the Word "Excursion"

Hope y'all had a happy Labor Day and enjoyed the day off school and whatnot.

While y'all were sleeping in and relaxing, the hardworking students of Voronezh State University were in class :-P Actually, the real VSU students started school on Saturday (along with the rest of Voronezh). Since we're spoiled Americans, we still get a Saturday-Sunday weekend. It's nice.

So, the first day of school. Several of us got together and walked to school around 9.00 - classes started at 10.00, and it's a pretty decent walk. There are 15 of us all together, since the AFA boys got here - we're one of the largest, if not the largest, contingient of American students in the country (we tend to get curious looks when we travel en masse). We study in a rather run-down building with all the other foreign students. For the first day, we just met all the professors and had to go around the table and do the whole introduce yourself (in Russian) bit. After that, we took a nice, relaxing grammar test, which made at least one of my fellow students wax nostalgic for O Chem. Then, we got back together and listened to Tatiana lecture at length about the mountain-thing we went to for today's excursion. I did a lot of smiling and nodding...

We were done before two, so most of us went and grabbed a bite to eat. (Note: Russians do have fried cheese, but it's not the same kind, etc, etc). And then it was time to go to the gym and get sore, because that's what you do in Voronezh if you're bored. (Or at least, that's what we do).

We had an excursion today (more on that later, hopefully with pictures), and tomorrow we get to find out how poorly we did on the grammar test. Fun times.

Be good!


roadtojoy said...

yay for excursions!

but not so much for grammar tests...

did you read eclipse on the plane?

Ashless said...

So do you get to be in class with Russians or just random other people?

Knee-Cole said...

sara. i thought of you at dinner tonight. the waitress at the restaurant we went to was from the same place you are at right now! crazy right?... anyways.. or at least she seemed to make it seem like it was the same place... i said it was a town and it had a university and it had a v in the town and university name... and i think she said the same place... oh well!

i miss sara!