Saturday, September 1, 2007

Are you sure it's Saturday?

So today, I had school stuff. On a Saturday. Then again, we don't have classes on Saturdays - Russians do. We went on a tour around the city, which primarily consisted of Tatiana saying lots of things in Russian and me doing a lot of smiling and nodding.
Actually, I understood a lot of what she said. However, we stopped at WWII museum that I think I would have enjoyed if I'd understood any of it. Key word if. I did like the propaganda posters, though. Those use short words and I can read them. I managed to follow bits and pieces and fill in blanks with what I knew, though. I was explaining to one of the other girls that the guide kept pointing to two pictures from the Nuernburg trials because the American guard had slipped the convicted, bad German poison before he was hanged. She stared and asked how I'd managed to catch all that. My response? "I didn't. I took the History of Modern Germany." Thanks Dr Hendon.

I got a cell phone yesterday. Five or six of our group all got the same phone, so this should be fun, sorting out whose is whose. Mine keeps receiving random text message type things. I'm not getting charged or anything, so I think they're from the phone company. Some of them sound suspiciously like propositions, whereas others are just conversation-starter type questions. Weird.

A bunch of the other kids are going out dancing at a club called Flamingo tonight, but y'all know me. I hate crowds and noise and all that.

I need to run (not literally - Russia hasn't changed my fundamental values, don't worry :-D), so more later.


roadtojoy said...

Yay for history of modern Germany?!

When do you start classeS?

Ashless said...

Reading your blog makes me sad, because it makes me miss you, but it also makes me smile. I noticed the marriage-agency thing in one of your first posts, and I want to know, what exactly are you planning to do in Russia? I hope you're having an amazing time. If you have to have class on Saturdays, will you only get off Sunday or will you have another day off, and have you figured out your class schedule yet? I'm assuming you have, but you didn't mention what they were.

Should I identify myself or do you know who "Ashless" is?